Café Parasollen; Vejle
A safe haven for all.
Cafe Parasollen is organised under YMCA’s Social Work in Denmark. Around 45 active volunteers are the driving force behind the café together with a few paid employees and a board. The employees and volunteers ensure that a number of daily tasks are solved like cooking, baking, cleaning and serving of food and non-alcoholic beverages. This in order to provide an inclusive environment where people can meet and feel welcome – have a talk eye to eye and feel welcome and appreciated.
The guests have different needs which we like to accommodate best possible. With approx. 100 daily visitors we meet people across age and background. The donation from Henrik Busk Andersen generated from sales of the Bridgebuilder will mainly be allocated to strengthen the activities and focus towards 2 specific groups of visitors, where we have a special focus.
1. Our Group of young visitors
in the age 18-30.
Here we run an evening café offering free meals and activities. Here we like to intensify the numbers of activities. The target group is vulnerable and often coming with psychosocial challenges and abuse. The donation will enable us to better build bridge into their youth-culture. We will be able better to offer attractive activities, that will strengthen relations and trust between us
2. Our group of visitors with a Greenlandic background.
This group of visitor is searching for a place where they feel home, and can meet others in trustful relationships. The group in Vejle is quite large, and we have a big desire to offer activities targeted their special needs. This way we can build bridge into their cultural background and help them to create strong relationships within their group and reach out to the other visitors.
Also within this group we experience abuse in many forms, but also the risk of solitude – the feeling that I do not belong here, is a quite common feeling within this group.
The donation from sales of The Bridge Builder will in relation to both mentioned groups help us to improve the relationship by meaningful activities in future. This will make a difference.
Café Parasollen is a non-alcoholic cafe open for all.
Our mission is:
- Create a place fee from drugs and alcohol which is open for all
- Help and support fellow citizens in need, and help them to help themselves
- Educate and inspire people to live better lives otherwise threatening by abuse
- Create open and active communities through meaningful activities
- Offer an alternative to people in difficult situations otherwise dominated by abuse and loneliness
- Create a place where people feel welcome and trusted.
Café Parasollen is constantly reaching out to potential volunteer that may take part in running an inclusive Café for a broad group of wonderful people – Come and join us.
On behalf of all at Café Parasollen we say THANK YOU.
Lillian Stephansen Hans-Henrik Wikman
Daglig leder af Café Parasollen i Vejle Formand for styregruppen
Vestergade 16C, 7100 Vejle
Tlf. 7582 0563